God said: "Start writing. . . "
June 2016:
At a women's conference God told me to write down His promises.
After the conference, I was reminded of how in 2004 He'd planted the desire to see His people grow + go.
Later that month I began recording God's promises on Instagram.
August 2016:
At a family conference (there's a theme!) I attended a seminar stream on prophecy and received prayer. "A calling to write, a teaching ministry, that will impact, release, and train others" was mentioned. Also, that there would be "books with your name on the front."
September 2017:
Our family moved from the UK to New Zealand where my husband and I began pastoring. Here the promises from instagram grew to weekly email devotions to the church. My hope and heart? That the devotions would help the church grow + go.
Over the next few years I wrote periodically for other online publications and various printed magazines.
September 2022:
I became co-director for The Devoted Collective with the wonderful Aimée and we co-wrote "Morning Musings."
And guess what. . . it has my name on the front!
All that to say, I write because God told me to. And through my writing I pray the words help His people to grow and go. Grow in understanding who He is, and who they are in light of that, so that they may go into all the places and spaces He's calling them - fully equiped, encouraged and released.
Write therefore the things that you have seen.
Revelation 1:19